Two weeks ago, a friend contacted me and said she wanted to leave her current job. She said she couldn’t take it anymore. As I listened to my friend tell me about what she wanted to do with her life, I fell in love with her dream a lot. So much so, that I found myself sitting up straighter, listening attentively, nodding along and smiling accordingly.
It happens all the time in these early conversations. I get excited when someone is on the path to where she’s meant to be. There’s nothing more exhilarating than watching possibility unfold.
My friend went on for several minutes, animatedly describing what she wanted to do next and how it would feel to get there. She’d been thinking about this for a while – you could tell. It wasn’t a new thing…it had been well planned. My obvious interest gave her permission to keep sharing and her enthusiasm grew as she added details to the idea, allowing herself to expand her vision. Since we were on the phone, I was scribbling notes as she talked – adding nuances of my own to what she’d shared. I could literally picture her in this dream – one that was very clear as to what she is meant to do.