Meet Marguerite Gervin
Tell us a little about yourself – where are you from and who and what is important in your life?
We all have previous chapters in our stories – Tell me about your working life/business experiences before now?
My first real job after College was as a Musical Editor at Warner Brothers Publications in Florida. I was also a full-time Minister of Music at a large church in Florida. Although music was always a part of my career, I also had a desire and talent for Interior Decorating. I started decorating my apartments in college and other would want me to decorate their spaces. Once I graduated, I was able to take on more serious jobs part time and started my first business under the name, Interiors by Marjani.
Please provide a snapshot of your business
Currently, I remodel Commercial and Residential spaces. I do a wide variety of services including Kitchen & Bath remodeling, Basement remodeling and full-scope Interior Design.
Tell me about your purpose, your why, and who you're called to serve
My business was birthed after the death of my mother. Her death was too soon and at a fairly young age which made me realize how precious and short life is. I decided to venture out and go after my dream
What did you find most challenging about getting started/moving in a new direction? Fulfilling?
Have you experienced self-doubt? What causes it to flare up and how do you work through it when it hits?
Absolutely! I experience self-doubt very regularly. I think it’s a part of new business ownership especially as an an Entrepreneur starting from scratch with no capital, investors, or 2nd household income! I work through it first with prayer, rest, keeping a state of calmness, and remembering that this is a part of growing pains. The best is yet to come if I continue working hard to achieve my goals.
Do you feel women in the 40’s and beyond make fabulous entrepreneurs?
Yes, we make great entrepreneurs because of our life experiences. We’ve managed our husbands, children, the household affairs and sometimes the affairs of our older, aging parents. We’ve navigated through difficulty and have developed a particular strength and endurance that entrepreneurship requires. We are resourceful and can survive under the most difficult and stressful circumstances.
What would you say to other women who are standing on the edge of their own Next Chapter, not sure if they can take the leap?
Have an honest conversation with yourself. Among other questions, ask yourself: “Would I regret NOT taking this leap?” If your answer is yes, then go for it. Make sure you do the preparation and research necessary to be successful.
What’s next for you? Share your vision!
I am uncertain about what’s next in the near future. I am simply focused on increasing revenues and building a solid financial foundation for my children and I. My ultimate Dream is to own a large Real Estate portfolio of Multi-unit properties that include Hotels and Vacation properties.
One sentence answers
When I’m facing something new and challenging I…
I know my greatest strengths are…
One of my favorite books is............
The Bible is my favorite book. It feeds my soul and encourages me when I am weak.
My favorite quote is........................
I have many favorite quotes! However, the one that is my motto for this year is: “Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life”! That really speaks to me.
Not many people know that I....................
Was a Runway Model and Instructor and would love to do Runway Modeling and Fashion Shows for the Sexy 50s!
Connect with Marguerite Gervin https://www.pmbpropertydevelopers.com
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